2008年12月21日 星期日

二次巴拉卡, 新加大屯山助航站

本日行程my home->二重河濱租車->關渡吃早餐->紅樹林捷運站->登輝大道->北新路->巴拉卡公路->二子坪遊客中心->助航站->my home 里程為95.55km。




2008年12月16日 星期二


BDA: BIOS Data Area,位於0x400位址,用來記錄一些information,讓BIOS使用來不同的周邊與資源。

BBS: BIOS Boot Specification,規範BIOS如何選擇boot device的方式,只要有能力可以execute與 load OS的device都被視為Initial Program Load (IPL) device,比如floppy drives, hard drives。

BAID: BIOS Aware IPL Device,可以boot OS且BIOS有specific code能夠去support它。

BCV: Boot Connection Vector,是一個pointor,指向OPRom中的code,該code會執行device initialization。

BEV: Bootstrap Entry Vector,是一個pointor,指向OPRom中的code,該code會直接去load OS。

ESCD: Extended System Configuration Data,它是 BIOS's CMOS memory的一個特別的memory part,它記錄著關於系統中hardware的configuration information,BIOS會去檢查它是不是有any change,如果沒有的話,代表BIOS不需要去configure anything,如此加速開機速度,就不用每次開機都去assign resource。


2008年12月15日 星期一

BIOS Data Area

The BIOS Data Area is created at memory location 0040:0000h

Offset Hex Offset Dec BIOS Service Field Size Function
00h 0 Int 14h 2 bytes Base I/O address for serial port 1 (communications port 1 - COM 1)
02h 2 Int 14h 2 bytes Base I/O address for serial port 2 (communications port 2 - COM 2)
04h 4 Int 14h 2 bytes Base I/O address for serial port 3 (communications port 3 - COM 3)
06h 6 Int 14h 2 bytes Base I/O address for serial port 4 (communications port 4 - COM 4)
08h 8 Int 17h 2 bytes Base I/O address for parallel port 1 (printer port 1 - LPT 1)
0Ah 10 Int 17h 2 bytes Base I/O address for parallel port 2 (printer port 2 - LPT 2)
0Ch 12 Int 17h 2 bytes Base I/O address for parallel port 3 (printer port 3 - LPT 3)
0Eh 14 POST 2 bytes Base I/O address for parallel port 4 (printer port 4 - LPT 4) (Only found in PC/XT systems)
10h 16 Int 11h 2 bytes Equipment Word

Bits 15-14 indicate the number of parallel ports installed

00b = 1 parallel port

01b = 2 parallel ports

03b = 3 parallel ports

Bits 13-12 are reserved

Bits 11-9 indicate the number of serial ports installed

000b = none

001b = 1 serial port

002b = 2 serial ports

003b = 3 serial ports

004b = 4 serial ports

Bit 8 is reserved

Bit 7-6 indicate the number of floppy drives installed

0b = 1 floppy drive

1b = 2 floppy drives

Bits 5-4 indicate the video mode

00b = EGA or later

01b = color 40x25

10b = color 80x25

11b = monochrome 80x25

Bit 3 is reserved

Bit 2 indicates if a PS/2 mouse is installed

0b = not installed

1b = installed

Bit 1 indicated if a math coprocessor is installed

0b = not installed

1b = installed

Bit 0 indicated if a boot floppy is installed

0b = not installed

1b = installed
12h 18 POST 1 byte Interrupt flag - Manufacturing test
13h 19 Int 12h 2 bytes Memory size in Kb
15h 21
2 bytes Error codes for AT+; Adapter memory size for PC and XT
17h 22 Int 16h 1 byte Keyboard shift flags 1

Bit 7 indicates if Insert is on or off

0b = Insert off

1b = Insert on

Bit 6 indicates if CapsLock is on or off

0b = CapsLock off

1b - CapsLock on

Bit 5 indicates if NumLock is on or off

0b = NumLock off

1b = NumLock on

Bit 4 indicates if ScrollLock is on or off

0b = ScrollLock off

1b = ScrollLock on

Bit 3 indicates if the Alt key is up or down

0b = Alt key is up

1b = Alt key is down

Bit 2 indicates if the Control key is up or down

0b = Control key is up

1b = Control key is down

Bit 1 indicates if the Left Shift key is up or down

0b = Left Shift key is up

1b = Left Shift key is down

Bit 0 indicates if the Right Shift key is up or down

0b = Right Shift key is up

1b = Right Shift key is down
18h 23 Int 16h 1 byte Keyboard shift flags 2

Bit 7 indicates if the Insert key is up or down

0b = Insert key is up

1b = Insert key is down

Bit 6 indicates if the CapsLock key is up or down

0b = CapsLock is key is up

1b = CapsLock key is down

Bit 5 indicates if the NumLock key is up or down

0b = NumLock key is up

1b = Numlock key is down

Bit 4 indicates if the ScrollLock key is up or down

0b = ScrollLock key is up

1b = ScrollLock key is down

Bit 3 indicates if the Pause key is active or inactive

0b = pause key is inactive

1b = Pause key is active

Bit 2 indicates if the SysReg key is up or down

0b = SysReg key is up

1b = SysReg key is down

Bit 1 indicates if the Left Alt key is up or down

0b = Left Alt key is up

1b = Left Alt key is down

Bit 0 indicates if the Right Alt key is up or down

0b = Right Alt key is up

1b = Right Alt key is down
19h 24 Int 09h 1 byte Alt Numpad work area
1Ah 26 Int 16h 2 bytes Pointer to the address of the next character in the keyboard buffer
1Ch 28 Int 16h 2 bytes Pointer to the address of the last character in he keyboard buffer
1Eh 60 Int 16h 32 bytes Keyboard buffer
3Eh 61 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk drive calibration status

Bits 7-4 are reserved

Bit 3 = floppy drive 3 (PC, XT)

Bit 2 = floppy drive 2 (PC, XT)

Bit 1 = floppy drive 1

Bit 0 = floppy drive 0

0b indicates not calibrated

1b indicates calibrated
3Fh 62 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk drive motor status

Bit 7 indicates current operation

0b = read or verify operation

1b = write or format operation

Bit 6 is not used

Bit 5-4 indicates drive select

00b = Drive 0

01b = Drive 1

10b = Drive 2 (PC, XT)

11b = Drive 4 (PC, XT)

Bit 3 indicates drive 3 motor

0b = motor off

1b = motor on

Bit 2 indicates drive 2 motor

0b = motor off

1b = motor on

Bit 1 indicates drive 0 motor

0b = motor off

1b = motor on

0b = motor off

1b = motor on
40h 63 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk drive motor time-out
41h 64 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk drive status

Bit 7 indicates drive ready status

0b = drive ready

1b = drive not ready (time out)

Bit 6 indicates seek status

0b = no seek error detected

1b = indicates a seek error was detected

Bit 5 indicates floppy disk controller test

0b = floppy disk controller passed

1b = floppy disk controller failed

Bit 4-0 error codes

00000b = no errors

00001b = illegal function requested

00010b = address mark not found

00011b = write protect error

00100b = sector not found

00110b = diskette change line active

01000b = DMA overrun

01001b = DMA boundary error

01100b = unknown media type

10000b = CRC error during read
42h 65 Int 13h 1 byte Hard disk and floppy controller status register 0

Bit 7-6 indicate the interrupt code

00b = command completed normally

01b = command terminated abnormally

10b = abnormal termination, ready line on, or diskette changed

11b = seek command not completed

Bit 5 indicated seek command

0b = seek command not completed

1b = seek command completed

Bit 4 indicated drive fault

0b = no drive fault

1b = drive fault

Bit 3 indicates drive ready

0b = drive ready

1b = drive not ready

Bit 2 indicates head state when interrupt occurred

00b = drive 0

01b = drive 1

10b = drive 2 (PC, XT)

11b = drive 3 (PC, XT)

Bit 1-0 indicates drive select

00b = drive 0

01b = drive 1

10b = drive 2 (PC, XT)

11b = drive 3 (PC, XT)
43h 66 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy drive controller status register 1

Bit 7-0 indicates no error

Bit 7, 1b = indicates attempted access beyond last cylinder

Bit 6, 0b = not used

Bit 5, 1b = CRC error during read

Bit 4, 1b = DMA overrun

Bit 3, 0b = not used

Bit 2, 1b = Sector not found or reading diskette ID failed

Bit 1, 1b = medium write protected

Bit 0, 1b = missing address mark
44h 67 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy drive controller status register 2

Bit 7, 0b = not used

Bit 6, 1b = deleted data address mark

Bit 5, 1b = CRC error detected

Bit 4, 1b = wrong cylinder

Bit 3, 1b = condition of equal during verify

Bit 2, 1b = sector not found during verify

Bit 1, 1b = bad cylinder

Bit 0, 1b = address mark not found during read
45h 68 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk controller: cylinder number
46h 69 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk controller: head number
47h 70 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk controller: sector number
48h 71
1 byte Floppy disk controller: number of byte written
49h 72 Int 10h 1 byte Active video mode setting
4Ah 74 Int 10h 2 bytes Number of textcolumns per row for the active video mode
4Ch 76 Int 10h 2 bytes Size of active video in page bytes
4Eh 78 Int 10h 2 bytes Offset address of the active video page relative to the start of video RAM
50h 80 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 0
52h 82 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 1
54h 84 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 2
56h 86 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 3
58h 88 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 4
5Ah 90 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 5
5Ch 92 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 6
5Eh 94 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor position for video page 7
60h 96 Int 10h 2 bytes Cursor shape
62h 97 Int 10h 1 byte Active video page
63h 99 Int 10h 2 bytes I/O port address for the video display adapter
65h 100 Int 10h 1 byte Video display adapter internal mode register

Bit 7, 0b = not used

Bit 6, 0b = not used

Bit 5

0b = attribute bit controls background intensity

1b = attribute bit controls blinking

Bit 4, 1b = mode 6 graphics operation

Bit 3 indicates video signal

0b = video signal disabled

1b = video signal enabled

Bit 2 indicates color operation

0b = color operation

1b = monochrome operation

Bit 1, 1b = mode 4/5 graphics operation

Bit 0, 1b = mode 2/3 test operation
66h 101 Int 10h 1 byte Color palette

Bit 7, 0b = not used

Bit 6, 0b = not used

Bit 5 indicates mode 5 foreground colors

0b = green/red/yellow

1b = cyan/magenta/white

Bit 4 indicates background color

0b = normal background color

1b = intensified background color

Bit 3 indicates intensified border color (mode 2) and background color (mode 5)

Bit 2 indicates red

Bit 1 indicates green

Bit 0 indicates blue
67h 103
2 bytes Adapter ROM offset address
69h 106
2 bytes Adapter ROM segment address
6Bh 107
1 byte Last interrupt (not PC)

Bit 7 indicates IRQ 7 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur

Bit 6 indicates IRQ 6 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur

Bit 5 indicates IRQ 5 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur

Bit 4 indicates IRQ 4 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur

Bit 3 indicates IRQ 3 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur

Bit 2 indicates IRQ 2 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur

Bit 1 indicates IRQ 1 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur

Bit 0 indicates IRQ 0 hardware interrupt

0b = did not occur

01 = did occur
6Ch 111 Int 1Ah 4 bytes Counter for Interrupt 1Ah
70c 112 Int 1Ah 1 byte Timer 24 hour flag
71h 113 Int 16h 1 byte Keyboard Ctrl-Break flag
72h 115 POST 2 bytes Soft reset flag
74h 116 Int 13h 1 byte Status of last hard disk operation

00h = no errors

01h = invalid function requested

02h = address mark not found

04h = sector not found

05h = reset failed

06h = removable media changed

07h = drive parameter activity failed

08h = DMA overrun

09h = DMA boundary overrun

0Ah = bad sector flag detected

0Bh = bad track detected

0Dh = invalid number of sectors on format

0Eh = control data address mark detected

0Fh = DMA arbitration level out of range

10h = uncorrectable ECC or CRC error

11h = ECC corrected data error

20h = general controller failure

40h = seek operation failed

80h = timeout

AAh = drive not ready

BBh = undefined error occurred

CCh = write fault on selected drive

E0h = status error or error register is zero

FFh = sense operation failed
75h 117 Int 13h 1 byte Number of hard disk drives
76h 118 Int 13h 1 byte Hard disk control byte

Bit 7

0b = enables retries on disk error

1b = disables retries on disk error

Bit 6

0b = enables reties on disk error

1b = enables reties on disk error

Bit 5, 0b = not used

Bit 4, 0b = not used

Bit 3

0b = drive has less than 8 heads

1b = drive has more than 8 heads

Bit 2, 0b = not used

Bit 1, 0b = not used

Bit 0, 0b = not used
77h 119 Int 13h 1 byte Offset address of hard disk I/O port (XT)
78h 120 Int 17h 1 byte Parallel port 1 timeout
79h 121 Int 17h 1 byte Parallel port 2 timeout
7Ah 122 Int 17h 1 byte Parallel port 3 timeout
7Bh 123
1 byte Parallel port 4 timeout (PC, XT) support for virtual DMA services (VDS)

Bit 7, 0b = not used

Bit 6, 0b = not used

Bit 5 indicates virtual DMA services

0b = not supported

1b = supported

Bit 4, 0b = not used

Bit 3 indicates chaining on interrupt 4Bh

0b = not required

1b = required

Bit 2, 0b = not used

Bit 1, 0b = not used

Bit 0, 0b = not used
7Ch 124 Int 14h 1 byte Serial port 1 timeout
7Dh 125 Int 14h 1 byte Serial port 2 timeout
7Eh 126 Int 14h 1 byte Serial port 3 timeout
7Fh 127 Int 14h 1 byte Serial port 4 timeout
80h 129 Int 16h 2 bytes Starting address of keyboard buffer
82h 131 Int 16h 2 bytes Ending address of keyboard buffer
84h 132 Int 10h 1 byte Number of video rows (minus 1)
85h 134 Int 10h 2 bytes Number of scan lines per character
87h 135 Int 10h 1 byte Video display adapter options

Bit 7 indicates bit 7 of the last video mode

0b = clear display buffer when setting mode

1b = do not clear the display buffer

Bit 6-4 indicates the amount of memory on the video display adapter

000b = 64Kb

001b = 128Kb

010b = 192Kb

011b = 256Kb

100b = 512Kb

110 = 1024Kb or more

Bit 3 indicates video subsystem

0b = not active

1b = active

Bit 2 is reserved

Bit 1 indicates monitor type

0b = color

1b = monochrome

Bit 0 indicates alphanumeric cursor emulation

0b = disabled

1b = enabled
88h 136 Int 10h 1 byte Video display adapter switches

Bit 7 indicates state of feature connector line 1

Bit 6 indicates state of feature connector line 0

Bit 5-4 not used

Bit 3-0 indicate adapter type switch settings

0000b = MDA/color 40x25

0001b = MDA/color 80x25

0010b = MDA/high-resolution 80x25

0011b = MDA/high-resolution enhanced

0100b = CGA 40x25/monochrome

0101b = CGA 80x25/monochrome

0110b = color 40x25/MDA

0111b = color 80x25/MDA

1000b = high-resolution 80x25/MDA

1001b = high-resolution enhanced/MDA

1010b = monochrome/CGA 40x25

1011b = monochrome/CGA 80x25
89h 137 Int 10h 1 byte VGA video flags 1

Bit 7 and 4 indicate scanline mode

00b = 350-line mode

01b = 400-line mode

10b = 200-line mode

Bit 6 indicates display switch

0b = disabled

1b = enabled

Bit 5 is reserved

Bit 3 indicates default palette loading

0b = disabled

1b= enabled

Bit 2 indicates monitor type

0b = color

1b = monochrome

Bit 1 indicates gray scale summing

0b = disabled

1b = enabled

Bit 0 indicates VGA active state

0b = VGA inactive

1b = VGA active
8Ah 138 Int 10h 1 byte VGA video flags 2
8Bh 139 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk configuration data

Bit 7-6 indicate last data sent to the controller

00b = 500 Kbit/sec/sec

01b = 300 Kbit/sec

10b = 250 Kbit/sec

11b = rate not set or 1 Mbit/sec

Bit 5-4 indicate last drive steprate sent to the controller

00b = 8ms

01b = 7ms

10b = 6ms

11b = 5ms

Bit 3-2 indicate data rate, set at start of operation (Bits 7-6)

Bit 1-0 not used
8Ch 140 Int 13h 1 byte Hard disk drive controller status

Bit 7 indicates controller state

0b = controller not busy

1b = controller busy

Bit 6 indicates drive ready state

0b = drive selected not ready

1b = drive selected ready

Bit 5 indicates write fault

0b = write fault did not occur

1b = write error occurred

Bit 4 indicates seek state

0b = drive selected seeking

1b = drive selected seek complete

Bit 3 indicates data request

0b = data request is inactive

1b = data request is active

Bit 2 indicates data correction

0b = data not corrected

1b = data corrected

Bit 1 indicates index pulse state

0b = index pulse inactive

1b = index pulse active

Bit 0 indicates error

0b = no error

1b = error in previous command
8Dh 141 Int 13h 1 byte Hard disk drive error

Bit 7 indicates bad sector

0b = not used

1b = bad sector detected

Bit 6 indicated ECC error

0b = not used

1b = uncorrectable ECC error occurred

Bit 5 indicates media state

0b = not used

1b = media changed

Bit 4 indicates sector state

0b = not used

1b = ID or target sector not found

Bit 3 indicates media change request state

0b = not used

1b = media change requested

Bit 2 indicates command state

0b = not used

1b = command aborted

Bit 1 indicates drive track error

0b = not used

1b = track 0 not found

Bit 0 indicates address mark

0b = not used

1b = address mark not found
8Eh 142 Int 13h 1 byte Hard disk drive task complete flag
8Fh 143 Int 13h 1 byte Floppy disk drive information

Bit 7 not used

Bit 6 indicates drive 1 type determination

0b = not determined

1b = determined

Bit 5 indicates drive 1 multirate status

0b = no

1b = yes

Bit 4 indicates diskette 1 change line detection

0b = no

1b = yes

Bit 3 not used

Bit 2 indicates drive 0 type determination

0b = not determined

1b = determined

Bit 1 indicates drive 0 multirate status

0b = no

1b = yes

Bit 0 indicates diskette 0 change line detection

0b = no

1b = yes
90h 144 Int 13h 1 byte Diskette 0 media state

Bit 7-6 indicate transfer rate

00b = 500 Kbit/sec

01b = 300 Kbit/sec

10b = 250 Kbit/sec

11b = 1 Mbit/sec

Bit 5 indicates double stepping

0b = not required

1b = required

Bit 4 indicates media in floppy drive

0b = unknown media

1b = known media

Bit 3 not used

Bit 2-0 indicates last access

000b = trying 360k media in 360K drive

001b = trying 360K media in 1.2M drive

010b = trying 1.2M media in 1.2M drive

011b = known 360K media on 360K drive

100b = known 360K media in 1.2M drive

101b = known 1.2M media in 1.2M drive

110b = not used

111b = 720K media in 720K drive or 1.44M media in 1.44M drive
91h 145 Int 13h 1 byte Diskette 1 media state

Bit 7-6 indicate transfer rate

00b = 500 Kbit/sec

01b = 300 Kbit/sec

10b = 250 Kbit/sec

11b = 1 Mbit/sec

Bit 5 indicates double stepping

0b = not required

1b = required

Bit 4 indicates media in floppy drive

0b = unknown media

1b = known media

Bit 3 not used

Bit 2-0 indicates last access

000b = trying 360k media in 360K drive

001b = trying 360K media in 1.2M drive

010b = trying 1.2M media in 1.2M drive

011b = known 360K media on 360K drive

100b = known 360K media in 1.2M drive

101b = known 1.2M media in 1.2M drive

110b = not used

111b = 720K media in 720K drive or 1.44M media in 1.44M drive
92h 146 Int 13h 1 byte Diskette 0 operational starting state

Bit 7 indicates data transfer rate

00b = 500 Kbit/sec

01b = 300 Kbit/sec

10b = 250 Kbit/sec

11b = 1 Mbit/sec

Bits 5-3 not used

Bit 2 indicates drive determination

0b = drive type not determined

1b = drive type determined

Bit 1 indicates drive multirate status

0b = drive is not multirate

1b = drive is multirate

Bit 0 indicates change line detection

0b = no change line detection

1b = change line detection
93h 147 Int 13h 1 byte Diskette 1 operational starting status

Bit 7 indicates data transfer rate

00b = 500 Kbit/sec

01b = 300 Kbit/sec

10b = 250 Kbit/sec

11b = 1 Mbit/sec

Bits 5-3 not used

Bit 2 indicates drive determination

0b = drive type not determined

1b = drive type determined

Bit 1 indicates drive multirate status

0b = drive is not multirate

1b = drive is multirate

Bit 0 indicates change line detection

0b = no change line detection

1b = change line detection
94h 148 Int 13h 1 byte Diskette 0 current cylinder
95h 149 Int 13h 1 byte Diskette 1 current cylinder
96h 150 Int 16h 1 byte Keyboard status flags 3

Bit 7, 1b = reading two byte keyboard ID in progress

Bit 6, 1b = last code was first ID character

Bit 5, 1b = forced Numlock on

Bit 4 indicates presence of 101/102 key keyboard

0b = present

1b = not present

Bit 3 indicates right alt key active

0b = not active

1b = active

Bit 2 indicates right control key active

0b = not active

1b = active

Bit 1, 1b = last scancode was E0h

Bit 0, 1b = last scancode was E1h
97h 151 Int 16h 1 byte Keyboard status flags 4

Bit 7, 1b = keyboard transmit error

Bit 6, 1b = LED update in progress

Bit 5, 1b = re-send code received

Bit 4, 1b = acknowledge code received

Bit 3, 1b = reserved

Bit 2 indicates CapsLock LED state

0b = CapsLock LED off

1b = CapsLock LED on

Bit 1 indicates NumLock LED state

0b = NumLock LED off

1b = NumLock LED on

Bit 0 indicates ScrollLock LED state

0b = ScrollLock LED off

1b = ScrollLock LED on
98h 155
4 bytes Segment:Offset address of user wait flag pointer
9Ch 159
4 bytes User wait count
A0h 160
1 byte User wait flag

Bit 7, 1b = wait time has elapsed

Bit 6-1 not used

Bit 0 indicates wait progress

0b = no wait in progress

1b = wait in progress
A1h 167
7 bytes Local area network (LAN) bytes
A8h 171
4 bytes Segment:Offset address of video parameter control block
ACh 239
68 bytes Reserved
F0h 255
16 bytes Intra-applications communications area